Richard N. Muteti
Confederation of Micro, Small and Enterprises Organizations East Africa (CMSEO-EA)
Mr. Richard Muteti serves the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector in various capacities in Kenya, the East African Community and the COMESA region. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations and Chairman of the Skilled Artisans and Informal Apprenticeship Association-Kenya Chapter. Mr. Muteti heads the secretariat of the Confederation of Micro and Small Enterprises Organization East Africa (CMSEO-EA) which is the apex regional body representing the informal sector in the region. Mr. Muteti is also the Regional Project Manager of the EAC MSMEs Trade Fairs which is a Regional MSME market access programme for small businesses in the EAC. He is currently championing the MSME Sector and TVET linkages towards the creation of gainful self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for the MSMEs in the EAC region.